Computer Hardware

Hello Lowell! We are the Computer Hardware Club, your go-to group for all things tech. If you've ever wondered what makes your computer tick, this is the place for you! At our meetings, we dive deep into the inner workings of computers, laptops, and monitors by tearing open the devices, breaking down their components, and analyzing each part to understand its function. Throughout the year, you’ll learn about the technology that is used in computers, and by the end, you’ll have enough knowledge to build your own computer! Everyone is welcome, whether you're a seasoned techie or just curious about hardware! Our meetings are held every other Thursday at 3:50 in room S108. Join us to play, learn, and create while being part of a community that shares your passion for technology. Come prepared to get hands-on and leave with the skills and confidence to build your own machine!

Meetings: We meet every Thursday at S108 3:50

Club Officers:

President: Rucheng Li 2608, Jeremy Yiu 2615

Vice President: Enkhiinkhuslen Tegshjargal

Other Officers: Secretary Bernie Zhen Treasurer Ren Yoshida Public Relations Katherine Li Historian Ilia Foroughi